Österreichs Bundesheer

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Flooding in Lower Austria

20 April 2006 - 

After massive snowfalls and prolonged winter conditions, a temperature surge in April caused severe flooding in Lower Austrian villages along the Morava River, which forms the border to Slovakia. Local authorities quickly requested assistance from the Austrian Armed Forces, who replied by sending in more than 550 soldiers along with the necessary machinery, aircraft and "big bags" to stop the water.

Work commenced immediately, as soldiers and civil servants laboured day and night in flooded towns, the population of which had to be evacuated and rescued. After several dam bursts, the water level increased rapidly in the beginning, threatening to destroy entire townscapes.

Nevertheless, the helpers continued stacking sandbags to stabilize the remaining dams and prevent further destruction of housing. The Armed Forces were also responsible for supplying the population with food and necessary items of daily life. It was a great relief to all involved when, after days of toil, things let up somewhat as the surges of water gradually withdrew, revealing the measure of actual damage done.

Despite the fact that rebuilding will probably take several months, the local population is glad to know that the threat is over and, thanks to the AAF’s help, passed by comparatively mildly without any human casualties.

Dürnkrut, a town of 2,200 inhabitants, was severely affected by the flood. (Image opens in new window)

Dürnkrut, a town of 2,200 inhabitants, was severely affected by the flood.

The AAF sent in their "Black Hawk" helicopters and some 550 soldiers. (Image opens in new window)

The AAF sent in their "Black Hawk" helicopters and some 550 soldiers.

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