Österreichs Bundesheer

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Soldiers Trained Together with Czech and German Partners

27 April 2007 - 

From 18th to 28th April 2007, about 1,000 soldiers of the 3rd mechanized brigade trained for international peace keeping missions. In the Allentsteig training area the Austrian soldiers rallied with a platoon of the Czech 7th mechanized brigade and a couple of German staff officers. Their common goals during exercise KOMBATT072: To enhance leadership quality of all levels and to train multinational teamwork.

Peace Keeping Secenarios

To accomplish their missions, the Austrian Armed Forces fielded armoured personnel carriers, "Kürassier" tank destroyers, and "Leopard 2" main battle tanks - all together more than a hundred vehicles. Additionally, "Black Hawk" helicopters conducted air support missions. The training staff set up realistic conflict scenarios and challenges commonly experienced by soldiers on peace keeping missions:

  • separating conflict parties by force,
  • seizure of key areas,
  • observation and controlling of areas.

All actions during KOMBATT072 were closely monitored by combat simulation systems and brand-new analysis software. Data thus obtained enabled the trainees to further improve their soldiering skills as well as their abilities to negotiate, cope with protestors and cautiously interact with civilians.

KOMBATT072 placed emphasis on international missions and cooperation. (Image opens in new window)

KOMBATT072 placed emphasis on international missions and cooperation.

Czech Soldiers stand to attention in front of a "Black Hawk" helicopter. (Image opens in new window)

Czech Soldiers stand to attention in front of a "Black Hawk" helicopter.

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