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Austrian Eurofighters Surveil Defence Ministers Meeting in Slovakia

23 October 2009 - 

During the meetings of NATO's Defence Ministers held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from Thursday 22 to Friday 23 October, the Austrian Armed Forces' Eurofighters were significantly involved in the air policing operation "Bratislava09".

Protection Against Air Threats

For the duration of the talks, Austrian Air Force personnel and aircraft collaborated with their Slovakian counterparts. Together they ensured the best possible protection for the participants and for the local population against air threats. Events like the meetings in Bratislava could not be carried out without adequate airspace surveillance.

Jets Play Important Role

The Austrian Armed Forces have recently received the last ordered Eurofighter, and the jets already play an important role in monitoring Austria's airspace. Even though the system is still in its introductory phase, it has already clocked up more than 1,100 flight hours, and this year a total of 26 "priority alpha"-missions have been flown.

The Eurofighter jets help to protect the Austrian airspace. (Image opens in new window)

The Eurofighter jets help to protect the Austrian airspace.

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