Österreichs Bundesheer

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Styria: Army Deploys After Mudslides Wreaked Havoc

02 August 2012 - 

Nearly 500 soldiers of the Austrian Armed Forces are helping to clean up several small communities around Liezen, province of Styria. Triggered by days of heavy rain, landslides and floods have wreaked havoc in the region. Mudslides have damaged buildings and blocked the roads, forcing the Army to deploy helicopters as well.

Soldiers And Engineers

While hundreds of soldiers are helping to reduce the damage and to clean up houses and restore the area's infrastructure, 130 Army engineers are rebuilding bridges and erecting walls of timber to prevent further mudslides. An additional unit of 75 Army engineers is fighting log jams in more than twelve creeks.

Helicopters Support Grund Crews

Air Force pilots are operating ten helicopters conducting reconnaissance and evacuation missions.

Hundreds of soldiers are helping to restore order in the area. (Image opens in new window)

Hundreds of soldiers are helping to restore order in the area.

A helicopter of the Austrian Armed Forces on a reconnaissance flight. (Image opens in new window)

A helicopter of the Austrian Armed Forces on a reconnaissance flight.

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