Österreichs Bundesheer

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Procedure for requesting diplomatic flight clearance for foreign military aircraft or military operated aircraft

In pursuance of Section 8 Paragraph 4 of the Austrian Civil Aviation Act the Austrian Ministry of Defence hereby stipulates the provisions for a military flight clearance application.

Operations over Austrian territory with foreign military or military operated aircraft may only be carried out upon prior permission granted by the Austrian Ministry of Defence.

Every application for the grant of a military flight clearance must be made in accordance with the regulations published in AIP SUP 019/22. The application procedures should be followed with the greatest care.


All applications shall be forwarded on the

to the

and the

Foreign military operated aircraft not carrying military personnel shall not be allowed to transport War Material without prior permission by the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Which kind of material and equipment is regarded as subject to authorization is determined in the Austrian War Material Regulation. Application for such special approval shall be submitted not later than 40 working days before flight departure on the request form:

to the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Please note:

Procedures for the granting of military diplomatic clearance have been improved. The provisions for the execution of military formation flights have been slightly changed and the EUROAT has been implemented as of April 1st 2021. Please refer in particular to point 8, 9 and 10 of the AIP SUP 019/22.

Useful link:

EUROCONTROL Specifications for harmonized Rules for Operational Air Traffic under Instrument Flight Rules inside controlled Airspace of the ECAC Area including ANNEX 4 & 5 (Country Chapter for Austria & National Points of Contact for Austria)

More Information

Furthermore, the Republic of Austria has bilateral and multilateral agreements with certain countries. Such agreements give dispensation from the requirement for single flight clearance application. Regulations for the use of the airspace of the Republic of Austria under the Diplomatic Clearances Technical Arrangement are published at the

The application requirements for the sojourn of foreign ground troops in Austria remain unaltered.


  • Word-Document Download Word-Document EU DIC Form (Appendix 1)
  • Word-Document Download Word-Document Dangerous Goods Details Form (Appendix 2)
  • Word-Document Download Word-Document Authorization of a War Material Transport (Appendix 3)

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