Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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2nd to 5th December 2003 4th International Conference on Military Pedagogy

The Institute for Military Sociology & Military Pedagogy (IMM) of the National Defence Academy, Vienna, will be hosting the
4th International Conference on Military Pedagogy from
2 to 5 December 2003, in Vienna, Austria.
This year´s conference will be dedicated to the topic

«Military Ethics as an Educational Challenge»

Call for Papers

...and review

21st Mai 2003 Cooperation Verbund and Austrian National Defence Academy
15th Mai 2003 Visit of the Techniker Cercle at LVAK’s leadership simulator in Neulengbach
19th November 2002 Supreme decoration for General Horst Pleiner
26th October 2002 Armed Forces exhibit on 26 October 2002
16th to 17th October 2002 3rd International GESI Combat Simulation User Conference in Neulengbach
10th October 2002 Charity performance for flood victims
18th to 20th September 2002 LVAk Symposium on the topic of "Para-military forces (B-Gendarmerie) from 1952-1955"

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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