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Security in the Baltic Sea Region

erschienen in der Publikation "Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 1999" (ISBN: 3-8132-0599-1) - Dezember 1999

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Security in the Baltic Sea region today is the result of a network of relationships formed through the European "architecture" - NATO, the European Union, the OSCE - and regional or subregional cooperation as well as national defence and security policies. The role of the United States as a provider of security is still important but increasingly as a "reserve" while demands on the regional powers, the shore states, are increasing to provide stability and security through cooperation. Russian military power has declined dramatically but Russia still constitutes a major challenge in the region through potential internal instability as well as the character of its relations with its small Baltic neighbours. The still unsettled situation along the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea is the main source of concern; while the strategic problems previously associated with the Kola peninsula today seem much less important. However, a Baltic community with trade and economic dependence is slowly re-emerging and may, over time, reestablish the old linkages among the states of the region.

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