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The Potential for Conflicts in Greek-Turkish Relations

erschienen in der Publikation "Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 2000" (ISBN: 3-8132-0711-0) - Dezember 2000

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There has been a remarkable improvement in the climate of Greek-Turkish relations in the aftermath of the massive Turkish earthquake of August 17, 1999, and the smaller Greek quake a few weeks later. There are, to be sure, formidable obstacles that need to be overcome to bring lasting improvements in Greek-Turkish relations. On the other hand, Greek-Turkish relations can make progress even without a resolution of major differences. Since both neighbours appear to find the Aegean status quo tolerable, they could stabilize their relations even as they acknowledge their conflicting interests in the Aegean Sea. However, Greek-Turkish relations will be put to more difficult tests by the highly internationalized Cyprus issue, especially as the controversial EU-Cyprus accession process moves forward. In spite of these reservations, there is a real opportunity for Greek and Turkish leaders to capitalize on the desire for reconciliation by the public opinion in their respective countries.

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