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Ph.D. Dr. Ahmed Rhazaoui

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. 34th IPA Vienna Seminar (aus der Publikation Peace Operations in Africa)


Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General and Director, United Nations Office for West Africa.

He holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Political Science, New York University.

Dr. Rhzaoui has University Teaching/Research experience with New York University, University Mohamnaed V, Rabat, Morocco and University of Chicago.

From 1979 - 1987 he was policy analyst at the UN Centre on Transnational Corporations (UNCTC).

His numerous assignments with UNDP include Deputy Resident Representative in Guinea and Niger as well as Resident Representative/Resident Coordinator in Rwanda, Cameroon and Senegal.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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