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Transatlantic Security

Transatlantic Security - Securing the Post COVID Future

Securing the Post COVID Future


Study Group Information


August 2020

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Transatlantic Security: Securing the Post COVID Future 85 Seiten / 4.41 MB PDF ansehen
85 Seiten (4.41 MB) PDF downloaden
85 Seiten (4.41 MB)


Transatlantic Security: Securing the Post COVID Future provides recommendations for national, EU and NATO decision makers for responding to security challenges in a COVID and post-COVID world.

This report and its seven key Policy recommendations are the outcome of a 50-hour online interactive brainstorming event (12 to 14 May 2020) that addressed national security and geopolitical implications of COVID-19 in the transatlantic region.

The virtual international event using IBM’s Innovation Jam ™ technology was organized by the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes (PfPC) and IBM. The thematic forums were hosted by leading defense, security, and national policy think tanks as well as defense educational institutions in North America, Europe and Asia. The event was attended by 2,750 participants from Government service, international organizations, educational institutions, and the commercial sector, including over 160 high level notables, many at the ministerial and ambassadorial levels.

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