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Civil and Military Defence Planning and Scenario Techniques

CRN-Workshop Report Reichenau/Rax, Austria, 2003




April 2004

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Civil and Military Defence Planning and Scenario Techniques 25 Seiten / 416 KB PDF ansehen
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25 Seiten (416 KB)


Background and Aim of the Workshop

The workshop on "Civil and Military Defence Planning and Scenario Techniques” was organized under the umbrella of the Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Management Network (CRN) initiative, which organizes, among other things, at least two events per year as part of its expert workshop cycle (http://www.isn.ethz.ch/crn). The CRN target group consists of security policy analysts, researchers, and practitioners, particularly in the public sector. The CRN works on the premise that national security can only be achieved through international co-operation. The CRN’s goal is to provide an international partner network to exchange knowledge on risks and risks analysis methodology, and to share and review national experiences.

The 5th CRN Expert Workshop took place at Chateau Rothschild in Reichenau/Rax, Austria from 18 to 21 September 2003 and was organized by the Directorate General for Security Policy at the Austrian Ministry of Defence in co-operation with the Austrian National Defence Academy, and was supported by ETH Zurich.

The workshop’s topic was "Civil and Military Defence Planning and Scenario Techniques”. The goal was to get a better understanding of the nature of scenario technique and of what it can achieve in a security policy context. During the workshop, the use and role of scenarios in civil and military defence planning were examined and future research areas mapped. The workshop gave an overview of different scenario methods and other strategic planning tools. The operational planning perspective and the strategic planning perspective for identifying security policy trends were surveyed.

Experts from research institutes and national governments from Austria, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland attended the event in Reichenau and shared their knowledge.

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