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The international community and Bosnia-Herzegovina

erschienen in der Publikation "Zur Problematik der Stabilisierung des Westbalkans (5/00)" (ISBN: 3-901328-48-3) - Dezember 2000

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Balkan, Bosnien Herzegowina, Gesellschaftspolitik, Demokratisierung, Liberalisierung, Interdependenz, Internationale Beziehungen


Among the questions related to the further development of security in the Balkans that of Bosnia-Herzegovina is a dominant one. The formula of one state, two entities and three nations should satisfy all existing interests in the best and most democratic manner. Nevertheless, if one would try to imagine such a development in some other environment, and having in mind the recent war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as other historical experiences - the state ones and the national ones - then such an outcome might become very questionable. Optimists, who believe that after the war and all the suffering a certain critical mass that supports peace, development and stability has been created after all, find that the international presence, as well as the willingness to keep it for a longer time, is a crucial component of future stability. And it is the very question of the length of international presence, which acts both as a controller and a protector, within which the possibility of preservation of this model should be viewed.

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