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English Summary

My Opinion

Neither currently, nor in the near future, a politically united EU is expected to raise armed forces of its own. Even the EU crisis reaction forces, which are a completely different breed, suffer from enormous deficiencies, not the least because of Austrian inactivity.

A Model of Further Training for NCOs

An additional level of education could improve the qualifications of senior NCOs and open up opportunities for advancement and/or other high-level jobs.

Islam in the Austrian Armed Forces

Many Muslim soldiers, be they orthodox or not, serve in the AAF. The article discusses their current situation and their problems, and includes suggested solutions.

Current Events

The Taliban regime was fought by a world-wide anti-terror coalition. This is why US forces are more successful in Afghanistan than the Red Army was some years ago.

The Legal Basis for Duty Abroad

When serving abroad, commanders must be aware of the legal framework to know their freedom of action in decision-making and the restrictions they are subject to.

"Going International"

The discussion if anti-terror activities should be included as a task in the framework of CESDP has made us aware of the current limits of what is politically feasible in the EU.

The Technology of the World Wide Web in the Austrian Armed Forces

The intranet of the AAF serves as a basis for modern content management.

"Black Eagle" and T-95

Russian tank builders suffer from a lack of domestic orders. Therefore, the development of new MBTs mainly aims at the international marketplace.

Quo Vadis Infantry?

A discussion about the infantry of tomorrow is initiated on the basis of ideas presented by the working group dubbed "Quo vadis Infanterie?", and addresses the employment, the organisation, the weapons and the capabilities of infantry forces.

From the Forces

The current budget situation does not permit to purchase the best equipment for our forces. Most likely, priorities will have to be set. It all boils down to the need for more money, so that the Armed Forces can get what they urgently need.

The Border Security Operation of the OSCE-Mission in Georgia

OSCE observers monitor the situation along the border between Georgia and Chechnya. Due to the rugged terrain, this is a highly demanding activity for both men and materiel.

International Course for Military Observers

One of the tasks of the [Austrian] International Peace Support Command is to train military observers, if possible with international participants. Practical training, based on very realistic situations, is a motivating factor for participants.

Man is in the Centre

Disasters may strike at any time and have an immediate effect on the individual. To be able to act sensibly, we must be aware of the psychological consequences and know the methods to be applied in helping ourselves and others.

"Fight Your Tank, Sergeant"

New technologies are only tools designed to enhance our capabilities. Even in the "Digital Age" the real weapon is the American soldier.

Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are a characteristic feature of human society. Thus, conflict analysis and conflict resolution are core responsibilities of military leaders.

Situation LUGITSCH

The map exercise dubbed "LUGITSCH" deals with an armoured infantry battalion in an attack situation. Command and control principles, as well as principles of employment are highlighted in the context of the estimate of the situation and the decision to be taken, and augmented with the attack orders.

Training Glimpses

The NCO Academy, in its new TOE, now has the position of an NCO similar to that of a Command Sergeant Major - a first step to enhance the role of NCOs.

Border Control in the Mountains of Southern Kosovo

The most remarkable incident was the exchange of fire between smugglers and Austrian soldiers in June 2001. The company commanders submitted a detailed report.


General News, Other Journals, Book Review, Feedback, Military English.

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