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English Summary

My Opinion

Any institution that wants to be successful must generate support for its products, services, contents, and the individuals behind. This, too, is a task for military publications.

The Benefit of Interceptors in Peacetime

Military, political and economic consequences that may result from the discussion about the procurement of new interceptors.

Women in the Armed Forces of the European Union

An assessment of the situation of women in the armed forces of the EU member countries.

The New Law on Military Authority

The Law on Military Authority (MBG) defines the powers of the Austrian military, and thus provides certainty about the legal situation for the citizens affected.

Current Events

A review of the developments in the Middle East should help to understand the unending crisis there.

The Development of the General Staff Service (II)

From the new organisation and institutionalisation as k.k. General Staff under Field Marshal Daun, and the reforms under Archduke Carl, to the founding of the k.(u.)k. War School.

Surviving as a Hostage

Basic information to help prevent wrong reactions in cases of kidnapping or abduction.

"Going International"

The results of the Nice EU summit with respect to the Euro-Atlantic security system.

The Electronic Artillery Fire Control System

The FCS is a quantum leap with respect to speed and accuracy of artillery fire.

FASAN for the Forces

The "Funkausbildungs- und -simulationsanlage" (FASAN) [radio training and simulation equipment] of the Signal School permits ECCM training on tactical and operational levels without RF emissions.

Driver Training with "Leopard" 2 MBTs

Concurrently with the procurement of the "Leopard" 2 A4 MBTs from the Netherlands army, Austrian driver instructors were trained in the handling of this vehicle.

Important Inoculations and Preventive Measures

Both tourism and the world-wide deployment of military forces call for increased emphasis on protective measures.

The Employment of Battlefield Sensors (II)

Man smugglers adapt their techniques to the capabilities of the surveillance systems employed for border surveillance.

The 2001 Defense Budget and the Air Force

The new budget will take the Air Force to new lows in terms of size. Today's active duty component is by far the smallest in history.

From the Forces

A modern, humane and high-quality corporate culture needs a concept of in-house information to convey the need for change.


Report of a failed Israeli anti-terror operation in the West Bank the mistakes made, and the lessons drawn.

General Command and Control Principles (VI)

Presentation of operation "EMIL", the attack of German forces against Russian positions in Karelia in August 1943, to serve as an example for the successful application of the basic principle of freedom of action.

Man is in the Centre

Nobody is immune to embarrassing situations. That's why we should learn how to handle them.


A guideline for the motivation of employees.


General News, Other Journals, Book Review, Feedback, Military English.

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