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English Summary

My Opinion

Some people think that the means urgently required to do its job are "political gifts" for the Austrian Armed Forces.

Stimuli and Stress in Armed Conflicts

Stress, fear and panic on the battlefield can be increased in an artificial way to raise the number of casualties in enemy forces. The generation of stress may gain in importance in non-military applications as well.

Reorganisation - Risks and Opportunities

Whenever competences and workloads are redistributed, this may boost motivation, or result in depression, loss of self-esteem and burnout.

Reserve Pilots - a Modern Approach to Personnel Problems

The need to reduce costs and to utilise synergies by exploiting civilian skills of the soldiers also applies to the air forces of small countries.

Current Events

Even in the discussion about neutrality and non-alignment, one must notr forget that "to err is human, and to forgive is divine".

Language training in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Slovakia

As a consequence of the Slovak desire to join NATO, language training was intensified and adapted to international standards.

"There is War among our Neighbours..."

The war in Yugoslavia, which in some phases was a war of extermination, started ten years ago, and Europe still suffers from its effects.

T-72 M2

Technical details of the modernisation, including the components affected.

"Going International"

The development of the security situation in Europe calls for a modification of the original goals envisaged by CENCOOP.

Tasks and Powers of Guards in the Austrian Armed Forces

The new regulations of guard duty, including the use of firearms, as enshrined in the Law on Military Powers, to enter into effect on 1 July 2001.

The Field Artillery Captains Career Course of the US Army

This course deals with the concept of combined arms operations already on company level. It also helps members of the combat troops to understand the artillery.

From the Forces

"Dreaming must be allowed" is the motto of the author in his description of how, in his opinion, the forces should look like.

Return Fire - We Ignore the Lessons of the last 30 Years at our Peril

The US armed forces are at a crossroads. The painful lessons of Vietnam, tested and proven in the victory of Desert Storm, are now subject to question.

The Menace of Man Smuggling - a Military Security Risk (II)

The professional procedures of man smuggling organisations calls for the constant adaptation of the tactics applied when assisting civilian authorities in border surveillance.

General Command and Control Principles (VII)

Using the battle of Austerlitz as an example, the general principle that any action must be directed towards a clear goal is discussed.

Man is in the Centre

In many cases, the positive behaviour of instructors is based on the influence of those commanders who themselves not only know about leadership in theory, but are leaders in practical life.

The Foot March

First part of a series of four, with practical hints for foot marches.


General News, Other Journals, Book Review, Feedback, Military English.

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