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English Summary

My Opinion

Female soldiers can and are meant to increase the readiness of the forces. Should, however, in certain cases, the presence of women decrease the willingness to fight, their role in combat must be reconsidered.

The Educated Soldier and Officer

The shift from standard tasks in standard combat scenarios to the requirements of peace support operations more than ever calls for educated soldiers on all levels of command.

Multinationality on Battalion and Regiment Level

Multinational forces are an expression of the political and military resolve of the partners concerned. It takes a clear division of labour, joint procedures, compatibility and adequately trained personnel to put these intentions into practice.

The Position of a Chief Personnel and Logistic Officer (CPLO) in UN Forces

The author gives a personal account of the preparations for and duties in his employment abroad. He describes the focus of his activities and the conclusions to be drawn.

Current Events

In the wake of the Genova summit, the discussion revolves around the employment of the police forces there. The author poses the question of political responsibility.

The 1944 Warsaw Uprising (II)

Although the Warsaw uprising was bound to fail because of the lack of heavy weapons and massive outside help, it became a symbol of the struggle for freedom against totalitarianism.

The "Pandur" Family of Wheeled Light Armoured Vehicles

The article presents the whole family, ranging from the basic vehicle to the amphibious version, including the different options for armament.

"Going International"

The importance of arms control for the Austrian Armed Forces.

Psychological Aspects of Duty Abroad

A presentation of the mental strain caused by serving abroad, and of the additional problems from back home that soldiers are exposed to.

From the Forces

The quadrature of the circle: The increased retirement age and the blocking of any early retirement schemes result in a growing number of elderly soldiers who are called upon to perform missions that require younger personnel.

Co-operation with Helicopters

One of the main tasks for helicopters in military operations to assist civilian authorities is to help in the search for fugitive illegal border crossers.

Think of it: "Where has the Threat Gone?"

The seemingly most powerful argument raised in recent years against military national defence.

"Irrespective of his Other Duties..."

The taking over of the tasks of absent soldiers by ones who themselves are fully occupied in their primary job is a problematic approach. The systematic employment of floaters could solve this problem.

Main Battle Tanks - To Be or Not to Be?

Some critics have repeatedly called for the replacement of all main battle tanks with wheeled vehicles. Main battle tanks make a unique contribution to military operations. We replace too many of them with lightweights at our peril.

Man is in the Centre

The use of commendation and criticism for educational purposes. The question remains if such measures effect the attitude or just the behaviour of the person concerned.

The Tank Battle of Abu Ageila (II)

An excerpt of the action on the Sinai peninsula in 1956 is used to illustrate the danger of fratricide, particularly at night.

Commentary on the Command and Control Principle of Maintaining Reserves

By ordering a substitute to perform a given task "irrespective of, i.e. in addition to, his other duties" in the course of an international assignment, tasks are performed insufficiently. Therefore, organic reserves are urgently needed.

General Command and Control Principles (IX)

The thrust of the 7th Panzer Division im Mai 1940 towards Avesnes and Le Cateau exemplifies the advantages of flexibility, both of the chain of command and of the forces themselves.

The Foot March (III)

A training situation with suggested courses of action provides the scenario for leadership tasks on platoon level, as required for a covered foot march.


General News, Other Journals, Book Review, Feedback, Military English.

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