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English Summary

My Opinion: The Most Radical Changes Ever

The restructuring of the MoD is developing into the most radical reform the Austrian Armed Forces have ever undergone.

The Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic - Model 2010

The future forces of the Slovak Republic are small, but of high quality. Their task is to defend the freedom, independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country, and they also must be NATO compatible.

The "Topolcany” Multinational Brigade

Multinationality is a characteristic trait of the current development of the military situation in Europe. A case in point is the multinational mechanised brigade with elements from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, and its headquarters at Topolcany (western Slovakia).

The Future of the Slovak Air Force

The Slovak Air Force will undergo radical organisational changes in the years to come. To perform its mission in the future, the current inventory must either be modernised, or substituted with new equipment.

Hostage Taking - a Changing Threat

Victims and modes of hostage taking have changed in the course of history. Nowadays, everybody may become the victim of professional hostagetakers, be they political or criminal terrorists, or religious fanatics.

The Personnel Statute of the Belgian Armed Forces

In Belgium, the profession of a soldier is in direct competition wit any other profession on the labour market, and therefore, chosen by all too few. Fewer years of required service, good career opportunities, and other benefits compared to civilian jobs are intended to make the job of a soldier more attractive.


The new crosscountry truck for the Slovak Armed Forces.

The Employment of the Argentine Air Force and Air Defence in 1982

Die Argentine Air Force and their air defence posed a massive challenge to the British in the Falklands war.

Current Events:The Czech Republic and Austria

The relationship between the two states is discussed against the backdrop of the Bene¹decrees and the application of the Czech Republic to join the EU.

Introducing the Black Hawk in the Austrian Armed Forces

The introduction of the Black Hawk helicopters in the Austrian Armed Forces will lead to a quantum leap for the air transport capabilities of the AAF.

House Searches (III) - Lessons Learned in the Kosovo Mission

The present instalment deals wit a house search on platoon level, including orders to be given, and debriefing.

Going International: On the Development of the European Security and Defence Policy

ESDP has developed from a mere declaration of intent into an effective political instrument.

New Frontiers for the Infantry

The revolution of military affairs or even European armed forces call for a reorganisation of infantry forces to be able to manage any crisis that might occur in the future.

From the Forces: Assurances for the Forces

Irrespective of restructuring, the forces need assurances that they will be supported in the performance of their tasks.


Combat divers and Engineer Divers of the Austrian Armed Forces Not every soldier is fit to be trained as a military diver. The tasks of combat divers and engineer divers are varied and interesting, and, more often than not, must be performed under extremely difficult conditions.

1-12 Cavalry Fields New Abrams M1A2 SEP Tanks

Between the year 2001 and 2003 the M1A2 SEP is issued to the 1st Cavalry Division. Therefore the 1st Battalion became the first unit to begin fielding the new Abrams main battle tank.

Education in the Armed Forces

Panel discussion on the occasion of "40 Years TRUPPENDIENST" After the Cold War, the range of tasks for soldiers in Central Europe has widened considerably. Therefore, comprehensive vocational training cannot do without general educational elements.

Commentary: Helplessness in the field of Education - About Education and Training

Are officers who have undergone training at the Theresan Military Academy before the collegetype training course was established there specialists without indepth knowledge?

Stepping in Between (II)

Only if the most likely situations have been trained in preparatory exercises, the requirements of peace support missions can be met.

Man is in the Centre: When in Doubt - Do It!

Generally, life is full of decisions that have not yet been taken. Therefore, everybody should, now and then, go beyond the ordinary and perhaps do something, even if it is crazy.

Grozny 2000 - Lessons Learned from Fighting in Builtup Areas

Levelling the city is a result of the lessons learned by Russian forces in the fighting of 1995.


General News, Other Journals, Book Review, Feedback, Military English.

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