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By 2009 the Austrian Armed Forces finished an intensive year of both domestic and international operations. The large numbers of soldiers in the various operations demonstrate the willingness and the readiness of the personnel. In accordance with an international rule of thumb mathematical formula, which puts the total population in relation to the number of deployed international troops, the monthly average used to be about 1,300 soldiers. Compared to that ratio, in 2009 Austria recorded a decline of some 100 soldiers, but nevertheless still scored quite high, considering the reductions on the Balkans and the restructuring of MINURCAT II. The developments at EUFOR/ALTHEA clearly show that reductions by individual member states immediately create the requirement of new, additional contributions at short notice.

The participation of females in the deployed contingents has seen an increase of up to about three per cent as compared to the last year, even if a European goal of three per cent is reached by mathematically rounding up the actual number. The outlook for the upcoming year is influenced increasingly by discussions about the budget and strong restrictions, especially in the media sector. Due to the changes mentioned above and upon consideration of the quite strict limitations, at least two strategic goals should be pursued to ensure future operations.

Achieving interoperability of all elements of the Austrian Armed Forces, if possible, in order to make multinational cooperation possible and to provide high-quality contributions to the EU-Battle Groups (EUBG).

The preparation for contribution to the Dutch-led EU Battle Group already started. For domestic operations, equivalent numbers will have to be planned for throughout the year. Assistance in support of the police after the enlargement of Schengen might as well be terminated by the end of this year.

The Austrian Armed Forces must continue its guiding principle that whenever the government decides for an operation to be conducted with military assets, either on its own or together with partners, the forces and assets of the Austrian Armed Forces are to be provided in the required timeframe and in the best possible quality.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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