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Summary: Terra Semper Invicta

Reinhard Mang

The Basic Rules of Military Geography specify the characteristics of geospatial decision-making related to military affairs, define object, task, aim, purpose and concept of military geography and thus provide the theoretic fundamentals for comprehensive professional rules.

Military Geography provides special models of geospace for military decision-making. Models for decision-making have to be permanently tested in complex reality. As long as they prove successful, they will be used. When turning unsuccessful, they must be improved until they are useful again. This procedure is highly representative of all kinds of experience-based learning processes.

Decision-making is generally based upon feasible models of a usually very complex reality. Such models are composed of factors and functions. Factors are described by attributes, whose values are data. Functions are instructions on how to combine data of different factors, thus making a model operational for decision-making. Decision-making is geospatial if based upon models composed of factors with attributes describing their position in geospace. If these models are related to military affairs and if they are based upon geoscientific knowledge, they are called milgeomodels.

The entirety of organisation-, production- and information-related procedures and equipments for fulfilling the task, achieving the aim and serving the purpose is termed Military Geography. Whenever military decision-making requires the position in geospace of the model factors concerned, milgeomodels are needed - and providing such milgeomodels will always be the major scientific challenge of Military Geography.

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Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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