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English Summary

Commentary: The Command Sergeant Major The Corps Spirit of the NCOs A study by the Austrian NCO Academy.

World Spirit around 1700 - Prince Eugene as a Shaper of Europe (Part 2)

The second part of the article on Prince Eugene of Savoy focuses, in particular, on his military career.

Museum: The Estonian War Museum in Tallinn

War of the Spanish Succession

The Rastatt peace treaty, which was concluded on 7 March 1714, put an end to 13 years of war over who was to succeed the last Spanish Habsburg ruler, King Charles II, and which had included vast parts of Europe and even North America.

Researching Wars and Military History in Austria

Those who want do deal with the history of wars and military history in Austria refer, among other things, to the "War Archives” and the "Archives of the Republic” sections of the Austrian State Archives.

Interview with the Croatian Minister of Defence

Federal Administrative Court

The Federal Administrative Court, nine Province Administrative Courts and the Federal Fiscal Court went operational on 1 January 2014.

Internationalisation of Officer Training

The University of Applied Sciences Bachelor Course "Military Command” at the Theresan Military Academy constitutes the first level of academic training of Austrian Officers. International cooperation has a key function in it.

Psychology: Having Gained in Experience

Blackout - Still a Topic?

In 2012 the topic of blackout was treated with five articles in great detail. It is about time for having a new look at it. The question is whether blackouts are still topical?

Focus: 25th INFBN "Always Ahead, Always Something New”

25th Infantry Battalion

The 25th Infantry Battalion is the only air-mobile battalion in the Austrian Armed Forces. The special force is based at the Khevenhüller Barracks in Klagenfurt, Province of Carinthia.

Exercises of the 25th Infantry Battalion

In 2013, the 25th Infantry Battalion (25 INFBN) participated in combat exercise "COLIBRI XLVI” in Germany and in evaluation exercise "Safe Return 13”. In both of them numerous experiences were gained.

Force Protection Training

The Multinational Battalion (MNBN) is the forceful element of the European Union Force (EUFOR), the peace support troops in Bosnia and Herzegovina. When required, it may be reinforced with up to six more so-called Immediate Reserve Companies.

Protecting and Assisting Abroad

Crisis Support Teams in the Arab Spring The deployment of crisis support teams to Tunisia in January 2011 was the first operation in a war-like theatre within the framework of the crisis support team concept.

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