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Heligoland 1864 The German-Danish War Is Also a Naval War

One and a half centuries have passed since the last joint operation of Prussian and Austrian naval forces undertaken on behalf of the German cause in the North Sea. 1864, for Denmark, marks the time of the last naval battle fought by Danish naval forces until today.

Memorials of the German-Danish War of 1864

A number of memorial sites commemorate the fighting that took place 150 years ago, including the Danish frigate Jylland in Ebeltoft, the Danish National Museum at Dybbøl Banke and the Navy Memorial on the premises of Ritzebüttel cemetery in Cuxhaven.

Commentary: When Zero Hour Strikes!

Vice Admiral Wilhelm von Tegetthoff

Wilhelm Freiherr von Tegetthoff is still today considered the greatest naval hero in Austrian naval history.

Commentary: The Command Sergeant Major:

Looking into the Mirror

1934: the Year of Civil Wars

In the period between the two World Wars, Austria was the theatre of political strife, which was all too often resolved by way of force, with fists and, occasionally, even with explosives and weapons, in the streets.


Helpline Service - Merely Installed for Conscripts?

Museum: Unique Memorial Site at the Landing Beaches The Musée de la Paix in Caen

The Normandy landings are commemorated in an exhibition area comprising three floors and 14,000 m², 5,600 of which are designated for permanent exhibitions.

D-Day The Strategic Situation in 1944 and the Landing in Normandy on 6 June

The military leadership of the German Reich was forced to deploy ever more units to this front, thus, over phases, thinning out the fighting troops occupying Western Europe, which were deployed there to prevent an allied landing.

70 Years of D-Day

Every year millions of tourists and former soldiers of World War II travel to Normandy in order to take a look, learn and commemorate the dramatic days of June 1944.

Caught Between Obedience and Resistance On the Moral Duty of the Soldier

The military is the armed force of the state. For the soldier in a democratic community it is essential to realise the reasons what mental national defence is for and to be familiar with ethical-moral principles of political acting.

Focus: International Logistics Network for EUBGs 2012-2 and 2016-2

The Units of the Austrian Armed Forces

3rd Armour HQ Battalion

Understanding the Tactical Planning Process

In order to enhance the understanding of the tactical planning process, an alternative teaching method was applied at the Theresan Military Academy: the analysis of a flawed proposal for solution.

The Austrian Armed Forces on the Golan Heights

The Austrian Armed Forces, for almost forty years, participated in the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in Syria. In mid-June 2013, the Austrian Armed Forces terminated their mission on the Golan Heights.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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