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Defence Attachés - Changed Task Spectrum

The task spectrum of a defence attaché in the 21st century requires, among other things, an analytical understanding of problems and flexibility in reacting to dynamic requirements in terms of task fulfilment on behalf of the Republic of Austria.

Commentary Command Sergeant Major: 2015 - A Special Year

Film in World War I - From Spectacle to Seminal Catastrophe

By way of film shootings the population at home could be given an impression as to how the war went on the front lines. Yet, film was also used as a means of propaganda to influence the attitude of the population.

European Council - Defence and the European Defence Agency (EDA)

The EU summits of December 2013 and June 2015 dealt with a strengthening of the common security and defence efforts of the European Union by way of enhanced cooperation of the armed forces of its member states.

Bunker of Ungerberg - A Relic of the Cold War

This bunker was the first of a number of stationary defensive systems built in Austria during the Cold War. Today, such defensive systems do no longer have a purpose and have been by and large dismantled. The system of Ungerberg is one of the last remaining witnesses of that era.

Work and Transport Boat

The modern boats are used for military purposes over water, for personnel and materiel transportation as well as for disaster relief tasks.

Focus: Force Provider - Cyber Soldiers - Command Supporters 2nd Command Support Battalion

This unit ensures communication within the armed forces by way of voice and data links. Its soldiers are also experts in the field of electronic warfare.

Electronic Warfare in the 2nd Command Support Battalion

The use of electronic assets is gaining relevance on the modern battlefield. The 2nd Command Support Battalion lives up to this development by ha­ving at its disposal, since 2008, a unit that covers this particular spectrum.

Disciplinary Procedures - Legal Protection before the Federal Administrative Court

Career soldiers (military personnel, career officers, tenured civil servants and contractual civil servants fulfilling an NCO function, military contractual employees) and conscripts in the militia or in the reserve components are subject to a strict common disciplinary code.

Forest Fire in Carinthia

A rapidly spreading forest fire raged in Oberdrauburg. Hence, on 21 April 2015, the Province Alert and Warning Centre requested the Armed Forces to carry out an assistance operation.

Psychology: New Function-Related Selection of Conscripts

Dynamic Response 2015

From 13 to 25 April 2015, over 1,400 soldiers trained at the international exercise Dynamic Response 2015, organised by the 3rd Mechanised Infantry Brigade.

Considerations regarding the Nature of Mechanised Combat Troops

The purpose and the benefit of mechanised combat troops are discussed controversially not only in Austria. In addition, general and defined concepts as well as thoughts resulting from this debate are illustrated.

Infantry Battalion Upper Austria - "Protection of Critical Infrastructure”

The militia exercise conducted by the Infantry Battalion Upper Austria in April 2015 also offers the opportunity to look at the development the militia has to undergo as a consequence of the "Austrian Armed Forces Organisational Restructuring 2018”.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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