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The Shanghai Organisation for Cooperation - The Tool for Security in Central Asia?

erschienen in der Publikation "Facing the Terrorist Challenge - Central Asia's Role in Regional and International Co-operation" (ISBN: 3-902275-13-8) - April 2005

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The situation is being determined by five factors:

1) In Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan conspirative extremist sects and organizations have developed. ‘Hizb-ut-Tahrir’, for example, tries to extend its influence not only in Southern Kazakhstan, but in the whole country.

2) A clash between Uguir terrorists and policemen in the city of Almaty in 2000 revealed the links of the Uguir to foreign Islamist extremists and the Uguir Diaspora in Kazakhstan.

3) A strong Chechen Diaspora, which has links to Chechnya, does exist in Kazakhstan.

4) There exists no common approach in Kazakhstan concerning determined action against extremism.

5) Still widespread corruption among civil servants (among them civil-servants in the judiciary sector and security services) hinders the effective fight against terrorism and extremism.

With respect to the steadily more complicated situation and the rising activities of international terrorists and extremists in the region, the Shanghai Organisation for Cooperation can play an important role. Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are members of these organizations.

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