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Plenary Session I “Expanding and Enhancing the Partnerships: Further Steps After Istanbul”

erschienen in der Publikation "Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference" (ISBN: 3-902275-17-0) - September 2005

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In the opening plenary, the theme of the conference itself, "expanding and enhancing the partnerships,” was appropriately illustrated with several contemporary examples.

Dr. Werner Fasslabend shared his thoughts from a recent conference on international security regarding the challenges that NATO military commanders are facing in the absence of political preparedness or unanimity. He went on to suggest that, despite these challenges, the prospects for traditional cooperative organizations such as NATO and the PfP were good due to the difficulties that some of the newer cooperative structures, such as the EU, are currently experiencing.

Dr. Erhard Busek highlighted the critical importance of the region of South Eastern Europe to the security and stability of the entire continent. He outlined some of the critical progress made in the region, pointing to the promising developments in the assumption of responsibility and participation in cooperative frameworks by the nations in the region. He further suggested some of the specific steps that are necessary for these nations to take in the area of security sector reform.

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