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Plenary II: “Reforming the Security Sector in the Age of Terrorism”

erschienen in der Publikation "Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference" (ISBN: 3-902275-17-0) - September 2005

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In the second plenary, Professor Rohan Gunaratna helped the conference readdress the definition of terrorism and made an assessment of how flawed some models of dealing with terrorism may be in practice. He went on to address three main points: how the terrorist threat has evolved in the past three years; how the terrorist threat should be addressed; and the specific terrorist threats the United States, Europe, and indeed the world will face in the next decade.

Dr. Andrzej Karkoszka furthered the discussion by enumerating some of the primary factors driving security sector reform, only one of which is terrorism. He also suggested that, due to the disparate states of security, economic, and political development of the NATO members and the members of its ancillary organizations, that there was certainly no single model or timetable that can be prescribed to adapt a nation’s security structure to meet the challenges of terrorism.

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