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Plenary III: Final Session and Closing of Conference

erschienen in der Publikation "Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference" (ISBN: 3-902275-17-0) - September 2005

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Plenary III: Final Session and Closing of Conference

The closing plenary session of the conference wrapped up many of the discussions that took place throughout the conference.
Dr. Jaroslaw Skonieczka explained that partnership at the systems level means the integration of nations, institutions, policies, and values; at the state level, it means the transformation of structures within states so that they can be integrated; at the individual level, it means the education of persons, which will facilitate both transformation and integration.

Dr. Rose expanded on this discussion and challenged the Partnership for Peace Consortium members to create the kind of intellectual interoperability required for the
future leaders of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.

Mr. McLane concluded the conference by highlighting the unique and valuable contribution that the Partnership for Peace Consortium members can make when they are all moving forward with a common vision for the future.

Finally, General Sundov provided the next step in that vision by formally inviting the Consortium to hold its meeting next year in Croatia.

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