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Title, Impressum, Contents, Wellcome Address by the Minister of Defence

erschienen in der Publikation "Multilateral Cooperation in Peace Support Operations" (ISBN: 3-902456-51-5) - September 2006

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Message of Greeting (Günther PLATTER)

Introduction by the Editor (General Günther GREINDL, ret.)

Message of Greeting (Dr. Kurt WALDHEIM)

Austrian Participation in Peace Support Operations (Major General Günter HÖFLER)

Address (General Roland ERTL)

Military Cooperation in the EU (Brigadier General Ian ABBOTT)

Central European Nations’ Cooperation: Past, Present and Future (Dan-Claudiu DEGERATU)

International Military Training, Education and Cooperation - Tasks of the Austrian International Operations Command (Brigadier General Karl PERNITSCH, Lieutenant Colonel Harald MENZEL)

Force Generation in the United Nations (Colonel William STUTT)

Multinational Training and Force Integration (Lieutenant General Ole L. KANDBORG, ret.)

EUFOR Operation ALTHEA - Multinational Task Force North (Brigadier General Karl PRONHAGL)

Multinational Operations - A New Challenge for the National Staff Training (General Raimund SCHITTENHELM)

Discussion Group A: Multinational Training and Force Integration

The Effects of Peacekeeping on the Hungarian Armed Forces (Lieutenant General Dr. Zoltán SZENES, ret.)

Slovenian Armed Forces in Peace Support Operations - Historical Overview and Challenges in the Future (Lieutenant Colonel Bojan GREGORIÈ)

Discussion Group B: Multinational Cooperation in the Field

Military Multinational Cooperation - The Experience of SHIRBRIG (Colonel Willem VAN DULLEMEN)

Findings of Discussion Group A:
Multinational Training and Force Integration (Rapporteur: Thomas ACHLEITNER)

Findings of Discussion Group B:
Multinational Cooperation in the Field (Rapporteur: Colonel Alfred C. LUGERT)

Closing Remarks (General Günther GREINDL ret.)


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