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From Civilian-Military to Civil-Military Relations in FR Yugoslavia

erschienen in der Publikation "Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe" (ISBN: 3-901328-54-8) - April 2001

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Jugoslawien, Serbien, Politik, Gesellschaft, Gesellschaftspolitik, Soziologie


The Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, as a specific case due to the difficult war past and the just started process of transition to democracy.

Immense problems face the Yugoslav society, armed forces and state in transforming the civil-military relations and developing them on a democratic basis. What really still awaits the reform in Yugoslavia is not just "civilianising” the control of the armed forces, but making it democratic. FRY is just entering the period of transition. The internal deficiency of democracy is a basic feature of this process in Yugoslavia.

The study of Dr. Simic is an attempt to set the issue of civil-military relations in the newly democratising Yugoslav society, though there are still problems of terminology. The civilian-military relations, of whom Dr. Simic writes, are missing the civil element. Democratic control of civilians over the armed forces and the security institutions of FRY in general, as well as democracy in this country would remain unattainable unless honest, clear and looking to the future answers of certain questions are not given to the Yugoslav society and to the international expert and non-expert community. Which are these questions and, very probably, other important ones?

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