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Civil-Military Relations in Slovenia: Aspects, Factors, Problems

erschienen in der Publikation "Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe" (ISBN: 3-901328-54-8) - April 2001

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Slowenien, Politik, Gesellschaft, Gesellschaftspolitik, Soziologie, Kalter Krieg


Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia as countries that have passed
successfully the ‘first generation of reforms’ and have the needed for their civil-military relations and the civilian democratic control over the armed forces the necessary legislative and institutional frameworks.

They have covered also the larger part of the second generation reforms that makes them very much eligible for joining NATO from the point of view of this significant standard: the democratic control of the military.

Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia is very advanced on their way to
membership in the Alliance and to achieving high standards of
democratic control over heir military.

The critical assessments of the respective national case studies, however, display the existence of certain deficiencies of the legislative and institutional framework of the civil-military relations, though they are defined from the point of view of higher standards of efficiency.

Definitely, the right place of the General Staff - not as a separate institution of the armed forces, but as part of the system of the respective MoDs, is such an issue. The issues of the civilian expertise; the improvement of the planning, programming and budgeting system (PPBS) of resource management; improving public relations of the MoDs; the education and training of the military and the civilian employees; adapting the military to modern society in the social, moral and legal aspects; the issue of expenditure on the account of joining NATO - these and probably some others, are on the agenda of improving in a structured way the civil-military relations in these countries.

In the Slovenian case still the normative approach continues to dominate the process of developing civil-military relations and an improvement of the co-ordination of all national security institutions and the defence authorities is needed.

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