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The West and the Economic Stabilisation of the Western Balkans

erschienen in der Publikation "Zur Problematik der Stabilisierung des Westbalkans (5/00)" (ISBN: 3-901328-48-3) - Dezember 2000

Vollständiger Beitrag als PDF:  PDF ansehen PDF downloaden  9 Seiten (52 KB)
Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Balkan, Sicherheitspolitik, Stabilitätspakt, Dayton Abkommen, Interdependenz, Europa


The West has relied on a number of economic instruments to influence the political and economic developments in the Western Balkans. Their choice and use have been dominated by political or mainly security considerations rather than by economic ones. This statement applies to the region as a whole as well as to the individual countries in the region. The political and security results have been less than impressive. As a consequence, the economic results have also been less than impressive. Rather than moving along the path of economic stabilisation and development, the countries in the region have remained unstable in the economic sense, and their economies are depressed and also disintegrated, both within and without the region.

In this study, the developments after the Dayton agreement, i.e., after 1995 will be considered. Some methodological and general comments will be followed by a regional overview, by country by country assessments and by an overall assessment. Some critical comments and some policy proposals end the study.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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