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The European Security and Defence Architecture - Challenges and Austrian Security Policy Priorities

erschienen in der Publikation "The European Security and Defence Architecture - Challenges and Austrian Security Policy Priorities" (ISBN: 978-3-903121-54-6) - September 2019

Vollständiger Beitrag als PDF:  PDF ansehen PDF downloaden  295 Seiten (1.74 MB)


The security architecture in Europe has rapidly changed since the end of the Cold War. Since 2015, the fear of immigration is poisoning Western politics. Thus, in the second half of 2018, the third Austrian EU Presidency of the Council took place during a rather challenging period - Brexit, immigration, and the debate about the future of the EU in general. This book aims at analysing the state of the EU and particularly those international organisations which are formative for (Western and Central) European security. Moreover, Austria’s role within the European security architecture is comprehensively analysed. The status of EU neutral and non-aligned member states is also debated. The book is based on official documents as well as on academic studies and public debates and shall contribute to a better understanding of inter(b)locking processes within the institution-building of European security.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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