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English Version: Military Strategic Concept 2017

erschienen in der Publikation "Militärstrategisches Konzept"

Vollständiger Beitrag als PDF:  PDF ansehen PDF downloaden  39 Seiten (195 KB)
Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Sicherheitspolitik, Strategisches Konzept, strategische Lage, Strategische Planung, Sicherheitsstrategie, Strategie, Streitkräfte


The Military Strategic Concept 2017 (MSC 2017) is the fundamental military strategic document of the Austrian Armed Forces. It describes challenges and threats from a long-term perspective of ten years and beyond and derives from them the requirements for force development. Together with the Planning Goals and the subordinate procedural, capabilities-related and cross-sectional concepts, the MSC 2017 forms the basis of force development. Essentially, the content of the MSC 2017 is geared towards the most demanding challenges and threats of the future.

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