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Streitkräfte Quo Vadis: Tagungsband der Militärwissenschaftlichen Tagung 2022 „Militär.Schafft.Wissen.“

erschienen in der Publikation "Streitkräfte Quo Vadis" (ISBN: 978-3-903359-62-8) - Mai 2023

Vollständiger Beitrag als PDF:  PDF ansehen PDF downloaden  227 Seiten (4.37 MB)
Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Forschung, Militärwissenschaft, Strategie, Operative Führung, Führung, Logistik, Taktik


Under the motto "Armed Forces - Quo Vadis", the University of Applied Military Sciences hosted the "Military Science Conference - Militär.Schafft.Wissen." from 13 December 2022 to 14 December 2022.

The speakers were recruited from both military and civilian research and educational institutions, thus avoiding a purely military-focused approach. This civil-military cooperation corresponds to the basic intention of a whole-ofgovernment approach to security issues and forms a fundamental principle of the working method at the University of Applied Military Sciences, as does the linking of research and teaching and the practical implementation of the research results.

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