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The Role of the Council of Europe in South East Europe

erschienen in der Publikation "The Stability Pact for South East Europe - Dawn of an Era of Regional Co-operation" (ISBN: 3-901328-75-0) - November 2002

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Europa, EU, Politik, Gesellschaft


Ever since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in December of 1995, the Council of Europe has pursued a policy of promoting a stable, democratic state, with a view to its integration, at the appropriate time, as a full member of the Council. After almost six and a half years, that time has come.

The Council of Europe cooperation with BiH is an important element in achieving what the May 2000 Peace Implementation Council called for, namely "a BiH strategy to Europe". The strategic objectives of the state and the Council converge in the strengthening of the statehood; sustaining and developing the national institutions and structures; ensuring that Bosnia-Herzegovina is a fully recognised member of the international community and an entity for international law, thus alleviating ethnically-based nationalist tendencies and promoting European and especially regional cooperation and stability.

In the pursuit of this overall aim, it has been necessary to comprehend Bosnia-Herzegovina as a state with a high level of devolution of political and administrative responsibilities to its two constituent entities (the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Republika Srpska), and three constituent peoples, under the terms of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Whilst bearing in mind that it is the State of Bosnia-Herzegovina that will accede to the organisation, all action undertaken over the past six years has sought to promote the even development of both entities. Ministerial structures within the Federation and Republika Srpska have been and will remain the Council of Europe’s principal partners in promoting the expected reforms in the legal, human rights, education and administrative fields, especially after accession to the organisation.

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