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Christian Reder

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. Civilian-led Projects Clashing with Military Operations - Experiences made in Afghanistan and Pakistan since 1980 (aus der Publikation Economic Impacts of Crisis Response Operations)


Christian Reder was born in 1944 in Budapest, Hungary. He studied Social Sciences and Economics at the University of Vienna and worked as consultant, writer, and professor at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna (Head of the Centre of Art and Knowledge Transfer). He is editor of the book series Edition Transfer at Springer Vienna-New York, and co-editor of the newspapers Volltext (literature) and Recherche (science) in Vienna.

1980-1994 he was part-time project manager of the ‘Austrian Relief Committee for Afghan Refugees (ARC)’ with up to 300 local employees in Pakistan and Afghanistan (health care, women projects, schools, crafts training, farming), which was later transformed into independent local organizations. His last stay in Kabul was in 2003. He published several books on the subject (in German): Afghanistan, fragmentarisch (2004), Transferprojekt Damaskus (2003), Sahara, (2004) and Lesebuch Projekte (2006). www.christianreder.net

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