Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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Sandra Tandler

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. Disaster Response Supply Chain Management (SCM): Integration of Humanitarian and Defence Logistics by Means of SCM (aus der Publikation Economic Impacts of Crisis Response Operations)
  2. The Unintended Economic Consequences of Complex Peace Operations on Host Societies (aus der Publikation Economic Impacts of Crisis Response Operations)


Sandra Tandler is research assistant to the Chair for Materials Management & Distribution and the Transfer Center for Defence Supply Chain Management at the Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany. She is working on a research project called "Supply Chain Safety Management” (SCSM) that was launched in 2007. The SCSM-project involves several partners from the public and military sector and is embedded within a large modernization project initiated by the German Ministry of Defense in 2004. The research project pursues two objectives: On the one hand, the concept of Supply Chain Management for the German Bundeswehr is to be explored and on the other hand, an all-embracing, integrated concept in the sense of Supply Chain Safety Management is to be developed, in order to enhance the continuity of supply of the military end customer.

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