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Prof. PhD Enver Hasani

Geburtsdatum: 10. April 1962

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. Reflections on Weak States and other Sources of International (In)Stability (aus der Publikation Building Stability in Weak States - The Western Balkans)
  2. Reviewing the International Administration of Kosovo (aus der Publikation From Peace Making to Self Sustaining Peace - International Presence in South East Europe at a Crossroads)
  3. Self-Determination, Territorial Integrety and International Stability (aus der Publikation Self-Determination, Territorial Integrety and International Stability)
  4. The Solution of the Albanian Question as a Precondition for the Fruitful Cooperation in the Balkans (aus der Publikation The Stability Pact for South East Europe - Dawn of an Era of Regional Co-operation)


Mr. Enver HASANI was born in Mitrovica, Kosovo. He completed his elementary and middle school programs in Mitrovica,
while his law studies were completed at the University of Pristina,Kosovo, where he achieved outstanding results amongst his peers. His performance was exceptional during his masters studies program, as well, receiving a 'Masters of Law' (MSc of Law) degree. He went on to earn a Second MA in Ankara (Turkey) at the University of Bilkent in the Department of International Relations, where he also completed his PhD studies in the field of International Law and Relations.

He has been working at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pristina in Kosovo since 1987.

He is currently a Professor of International Law
and International Relations, in addition to being a visiting professor within some of the regional academic programs run by the local
universities in the Balkans.

In the period from November 23, 1992 to October 1, 1997, he worked as a legal adviser for the Albanian Foreign Ministry in Tirana, accredited
by the Kosovar Government in exile. Considering his capacity, he served as a legal adviser for the Kosovar Government in exile until May 11,
1999. Taking into account his skills and expertise as an Albanian diplomat, he participated in the work of scores of international conferences held under the auspices of the UN, EU, the COE, OSCE. At
the Rambouillet Peace Conference on Kosovo (1999), Mr. HASANI served as a legal adviser for the Kosovar Albanian Delegation.
Enver HASANI is the author of scores of academic articles and essays published in internationally credited journals and has been a participant
at various academic training activities in the field of Human Rights and the Rule of Law held outside Kosovo, such as a training event held at the Institute for Human Rights of the Abo Academy in Finland (2001). In addition to this, from December 2000 to October 2002 he served as the Dicrector of the Human Roghts Centre of the University of Pristina, founded by WUS Austria.ഊMr. HASANI is married to Burbuqe, and they have three children:
Kastriot, Vatan and Denesa. He is fluent in Albanian (mother tongue), Serbian and English, while he has a good working knowledge of French
and Italian. His Turkish is passive, serving for reading purposes only.
This is Mr. HASANI's second book and represents his PhD Dissertation,defended at the University of Bilkent in Ankara, on July 2, 2001. This
unabridged version of his dissertation reflects the situation on the subject as of July 2001. A previous book of the author, entitled the 'Dissolution of Yugoslavia and the Case of Kosovo: Legal and Political Aspects', was
published in 1999 by the Tirana-based, Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS).

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