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Sir Garry Johnson

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. Security Sector Reform in Southern Caucasus (aus der Publikation Security Sector Governance in Southern Caucasus - Challenges and Visions)


During service in the British Army between 1955 and 1994, Garry Johnson held appointments in the UK, Europe and Asia.

He served as Assistant Chief of Defence Staff in the MoD; commanded British Forces in the Far East, and played a leading part in modernising the British Army following the end of the Cold War.

He was appointed Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Northern Europe in 1992-1994, he initiated NATO contacts and outreach, a process which developed into the regional Partnership for Peace programme.

He is Chairman of the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) since 1995, and he has been extensively involved in the field of stability enhancement and conflict prevention, with particular emphasis on high level reform and modernisation in the security sector in the former Soviet Union.

He is President of the De Burght Foundation,
served as Chairman of the National Council for Training and Enterprise in the United Kingdom from 1995 to 1999
and is a member of Advisory Board of the Centre for Leadership Studies at the University of Exeter.

Sir Garry is a Fellow of various learned societies and holds an honorary Doctorate of Science from Southampton University. In addition to his national honours and awards, (KCB, OBE, MC), he has been awarded state honours by Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

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