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Dr. David M. Malone

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. 30th IPA Vienna-Seminar (aus der Publikation Sharing Political Space in Peace Making: The Case of Europe)
  2. 32nd IPA Vienna Seminar (aus der Publikation Central Asia‘s Decade of Independence: Promises and Problems)
  3. 34th IPA Vienna Seminar (aus der Publikation Peace Operations in Africa)


David M. Malone served as President of the IPA from November 1998 to 2004, on leave from the Canadian Government.

A career Canadian Foreign Service officer and occasional scholar, he was successively, over the period 1994-98, Director General of the Policy, International Organizations and Global Issues Bureaus of the Canadian Foreign and Trade Ministry.
During this period he also acquired a D.Phil. from Oxford University with a thesis on decision-making in the UN Security Council.

From 1992 to 1994, he was Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations, where he chaired the negotiations of the UN Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (Committee of 34).

In May 1998, he was appointed an Adjunct Research Professor in the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University (Ottawa).
Since March 1999, he has been an Adjunct Professor at the New York University School of Law. He has published extensively on peace and security issues but also enjoys writing on less weighty topics.

Ambassador Malone has now returned to the Canadian Foreign Service where he is responsible for Canada’s policy towards Africa and the Middle East.

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