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Pieter Cornelis Feith

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. 30th IPA Vienna-Seminar (aus der Publikation Sharing Political Space in Peace Making: The Case of Europe)
  2. 33rd IPA Vienna Seminar (aus der Publikation Cooperation in Peace Operations - The United Nations and Europe)
  3. 34th IPA Vienna Seminar (aus der Publikation Peace Operations in Africa)


He is currently Deputy Director General for Politico-Military Affairs in the Council General Secretariat of the European Union. Mr Feith entered the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1970.

His assignments included: Director International Organisations (1989-92); Deputy Permanent Representative to NATO and WEU (1992-95). He was Chairman of the first UN Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention at The Hague in May 1997. In December 1995, the NATO North Atlantic Council appointed Mr. Feith as Political Adviser to Commander IFOR in Bosnia-Herzegovina. From August 1998 until October 2001 he worked in the NATO International Staff as Director of the Crisis Management and Operations Directorate and Head of NATO’s Balkans Task Force. In this capacity, he contributed to NATO’s response to the Kosovo crisis, including the deployment of the KFOR forces in Kosovo in 1999.

Appointed Deputy Director General in the EU Council Secretariat with special responsibilities for developing the European Security and Defence policy in October 2001, Mr. Feith contributed to achieving the EU’s initial operationality in crisis management, which was quickly followed by launching EU led operations in BiH, FYROM and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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