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IFK Monitor International 61

IFK Monitor International 61 - Security Sector Reform: Fundamental Aspects, Developments and MoD Engagement

Security Sector Reform: Fundamental Aspects, Developments and MoD Engagement

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Security Sector Reform: Fundamental Aspects, Developments and MoD Engagement 4 Seiten / 308 KB PDF ansehen
4 Seiten (308 KB) PDF downloaden
4 Seiten (308 KB)


On 19 January 2020, 16 states and organisations agreed on a roadmap for peace at the Libya Summit in Berlin. Among other things, the participants committed themselves to "addressing structural problems in the government and security sector”. This IFK Monitor International takes the current context as an opportunity to present some fundamental aspects of the topic security sector reform (SSR), to outline how it is anchored inselected international organisations and to give an overview of the activities of the Federal Ministry of Defence (MoD) in this field.

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