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Between Fact and Fakery: Information and Instability in the South Caucasus and Beyond

Between Fact and Fakery: Information and Instability in the South Caucasus and Beyond - 16th Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus" - Policy Recommendations

16th Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus" - Policy Recommendations


Policy Recommendations


Dezember 2017


Dr. Frédéric Labarre, Dr. George Niculescu

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Between Fact and Fakery: Information and Instability in the South Caucasus and Beyond 4 Seiten / 1.72 MB PDF ansehen
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4 Seiten (1.72 MB)


The Regional Stability in the South Caucasus Study Group (RSSC SG) held its 16th workshop from 9 to 12 November 2017 in Reichenau, and discussed a theme of extreme urgency: the impact of fake News on regional stability. The aim of the workshop was to examine the impact of false reporting on the development of a free media environment in the South Caucasus, on the existing stability of regional regimes, and on the competition for power and influence by large powers in the region. Lastly, the Workshop begged the question as to whether false reporting was ever justified, even for positive motives, such as the search for more harmonious intra-regional relationships, and the neutralization of emotionality in conflict resolution.

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