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The Way Forward in the South Caucasus: What Role for Pragmatic Multilateralism?

3rd Extraordinary Virtual Roundtable of the Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus" - Policy Recommendations

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The Way Forward in the South Caucasus: What Role for Pragmatic Multilateralism? 4 Seiten / 323 KB PDF ansehen
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4 Seiten (323 KB)


On 7 June 2021, the Regional Stability in the South Caucasus Study Group (RSSC SG) of the PfP Consortium convened a third Virtual Roundtable (VRT3) to evaluate the role of "pragmatic multilateralism” in the South Caucasus, assess the impact of Georgia’s recurrent political crises on its Euro-Atlantic aspirations, and to take stock of Russian peacekeeping efforts in Nagorno-Karabakh after six months of uneasy peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

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