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Risks and Opportunities of the Emerging South Caucasus Regional Order

21st Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus” - Policy Recommendations

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Risks and Opportunities of the Emerging South Caucasus Regional Order 4 Seiten / 910 KB PDF ansehen
4 Seiten (910 KB) PDF downloaden
4 Seiten (910 KB)


The Regional Stability in the South Caucasus Study Group (RSSC SG) was proud to resume its activities in a face-to-face format in Rome, 7-10 September 2021. Not only was it the first such meeting in 22 months, it was also the first time that colleagues from Armenia and Azerbaijan met face-to-face after the 44-Day war the year before. The co-chairs and organizers of the 21st RSSC SG Workshop salute their courage and flexibility in gracefully and constructively discussing on how to move beyond the "precarious peace” established by the 10 November 2020 Trilateral Statement.

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