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Armed Forces and International Security

Buchbesprechung - Würdigung der Festschrift für Udo Rumerskirch


Berichte & Buchbesprechungen


04. März 2004

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Eine Würdigung der Festschrift für Generalmajor iR. Mag. Udo Rumerskirch 6 Seiten / 154 KB PDF ansehen
6 Seiten (154 KB) PDF downloaden
6 Seiten (154 KB)


Buchbesprechung zu:
Jean Callaghan; Franz Kernic (Eds.)

Armed Forces and International Security
Global Trends and Issues

Designed as a textbook a interdisciplinary reference for the social sciences this volume examines key issues in the current global security agenda an relationships between armed forces and society around the world. The book's concise chapters - on a broad range of themes related to national and international security, military sociology, and civil-military relations - were written by experts from 18 countries around the world. This volume also has a groundbreaking section, which - using country studies and regional overviews - discusses civil-military relations in as well as the most salient theoretical and practical features of current means of democratic control of the arm forces in the early 2lst century.

Lit Verlag; Münster - Hamburg - Berlin - Wien - London, 2004, 392 pp.,
Paperback: 39,90 €, ISBN 3-8258-7227-0;
Hard Cover: 44,90 €, ISBN 3-8258-7228-9
eMail vertrieb@lit-verlag.de

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