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Peacebuilding through Economic and Infrastructure Integration in the South Caucasus

23rd Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus” - Policy Recommendations

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Peacebuilding through Economic and Infrastructure Integration in the South Caucasus 4 Seiten / 796 KB PDF ansehen
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4 Seiten (796 KB)


The 23rd workshop, which was held in Naples from 24 to 27 March 2022, revisited the prospects of economic and infrastructural integration as levers for peacebuilding across the South Caucasus. However, the world has had to reckon with Russia’s foolhardy invasion of Ukraine, which throws doubt over the viability of the OSCE-based cooperative security system, as well as on the roles of multilateral organizations and mechanisms in conflict prevention, management, and resolution. In other words, this topic has emerged as more pertinent than ever, especially in view of the RSSC SG’s goal of helping the South Caucasus develop its own “strategic persona”.

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