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The European Universities Initiative

An Opportunity for the Launch of a European Defence University


Landesverteidigungsakademie (LVAk)






Felipe Serpa Arango

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The European Universities Initiative  


Volume 7 of the series presents a proposal for the establishment of a European Defence University in the context of the European Universities Initiative and the Conference on the Future of Europe, launched by the European Union for 2022.

The volume deals with the historical roots of the idea of a European University, its renewal by French president Emmanuel Macron in his speech at Sorbonne University in September 2017, and the European Union project which subsequently arose from it to strengthen and promote the status and the attractiveness of European universities among global competition in research, development, training, and further education.

It describes legal options for implementation within the framework of already existing European agreements, the structure of a European Defence University as a founding alliance of existing European tertiary military research and educational institutions, and thoughts on their future developments.

The volume concludes with political and strategic considerations to increase Europe’s strategic autonomy by creating a European Defence University and expanding and deepening a common European defence culture.

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