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IFK Monitor International 71

IFK Monitor International 71 - Assassination of Kurdish activists: European challenges after the attack in Paris

Assassination of Kurdish activists: European challenges after the attack in Paris

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Assassination of Kurdish activists: European challenges after the attack in Paris 4 Seiten / 225 KB PDF ansehen
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4 Seiten (225 KB)


On 23 December 2022, a French assassin carried out a racially motivated attack on the Ahmet Kaya Cultural Centre in the Rue d‘Enghien in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. Heavy rioting in Paris followed immediately afterwards, as did solidarity rallies across Europe. Protesters challenged the theory of a single perpetrator and accused Turkey of complicity or even responsibility. The reactions to the attack are important for the Kurdish scene in general and for Europe‘s relationship with the Kurds and Turkey in particular; but above all it forces Europeans to defi ne their interests regarding northern Syria.

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