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Fact Sheet Syria & Iraq, The Year in Review 2017 - English

Fact Sheet Syria & Iraq, The Year in Review 2017 - English - 01.01.-21.12.2017


Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Fact Sheet Syria, The Year in Review 2017 - English 8 Seiten / 7.81 MB PDF ansehen
8 Seiten (7.81 MB) PDF downloaden
8 Seiten (7.81 MB)
Fact Sheet Iraq, The Year in Review 2017 - English 8 Seiten / 1.74 MB PDF ansehen
8 Seiten (1.74 MB) PDF downloaden
8 Seiten (1.74 MB)


The "Year in Review 2017" report delivers analytical and informative insights into events occurring in Syria and Iraq over the course of twelve months. The analysis revolves around the themes: International conflict and crisis management; domestic politics; military developments; and the humanitarian situation in each country and also includes a forecast for 2018. Furthermore, the publication contains selected maps indicating the territorial control in Syria and Iraq.

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