Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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8 Beiträge gefunden

Verknüpfung der Suchbegriffe:


  1. Achievements and Needs in Bulgaria (aus der Publikation Security Sector Expert Formation)
  2. Bulgaria’s Experience in Peace Support Operations (aus der Publikation Ten Years After (Vol I) Democratisation and Security Challenges in South East Europe)
  3. Changing Nature of Global Security and Armed Forces Transformation (aus der Publikation Transforming National Armed Forces in South East Europe - from the Social to the Military Challenge)
  4. Civil-Military Relations in Bulgaria: Aspects, Factors, Problems (aus der Publikation Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe)
  5. The Bulgarian Ethnic Model - A Factor of Stability in the Balkans (aus der Publikation Multiethnic State or Ethnic Homogeneity: The Case of South East Europe)
  6. The Harmonisation Tendency towards NATO in Southeast Europe - the Bulgarian Point of View (aus der Publikation Information Management in the Field of Security Policy in SEE)
  7. The Role of Competitiveness for Stability in South East Europe (aus der Publikation Through Economy to Democracy and Security? - An Integrated Approach to Stability in South East)
  8. Weak States of Southeastern Europe in between the Great Powers (aus der Publikation Building Stability in Weak States - The Western Balkans)

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